In Oltenia there is always something new to find. On the Olt Valley you can see the Geto – Dacian vestiges, the antique inhabitants of these places, or the Roman fortresses, proof of an ancient history of the place.
Same place is home of monasteries that remind of a Medieval Era: Cozia Monastery (14th Century), Tismana (14th Century), Horezu (17th Century). The amazing landscape and the architecture of these monasteries have become a place for pilgrimages.
Oltenia can be associated with great names like Mihai Viteazu, Constantin Brancoveanu, Petrache Poenaru the inventor of the pen, Constantin Brancusi one of the greatest sculptors in the wold.
Here you can see “God’s Bridge” a natural structure in form of a huge karstic vault resulted after the collapsing of a cage.