LSRS ensures an organized environment for the community of Romanian students abroad by promoting a strong solidarity between its members, as valuable representatives of their country, and a positive attitude toward coming back home upon graduation. LSRS defends and promotes the legal rights and academic, professional, social, and cultural interests of its members, and smoothens up the path toward a prosperous and democratic Romania.

LSRS has been created for Romanian students and graduates abroad, as well as for other Romanians interested in studying outside their home country. Therefore, LSRS creates a representative community for the Romanian human capital currently based abroad.

We, the Romanian students abroad,

Realizing the surge in Romanian students migrating toward universities all over the world,

Promoting the identity and value of Romanian students’ groups, which gather examples of virtuousness, determination, and character, and stay in direct contact with Western Civilization,

Supporting the potential of Romanian students and graduates of foreign universities in contributing to the political, economic, cultural, and moral progress of Romania,

And at the same time recognizing the urgent need of organizing, integrating, and promoting the Romanian students’ international community, for its own sake and for Romania’s benefit,

Join hands to form The League of Romanian Students Abroad (LSRS.) and within this non-governmental organization,

Vow to engage ourselves in two primary and complementary directions:

(1) To gain recognition of the efforts and merits of Romanian youth who aspire toward a superior level of education abroad, to facilitate their application toacademic institutions and to contribute to their integration in a new environment

(2) To support Romanian students’ homecoming and to help them get involved in Romania’s development process.




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