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We are a non-profit, non-political association of businesses and other organizations active throughout the country. We are the leading organization promoting environmental responsibility and energy efficiency in the Design, Construction, Operation, and Deconstruction of Romania’s buildings.

The founding member companies established the Romania Green Building Council in recognition of the following trends:

Technology and design improvements and new thinking in the financing of energy efficiency improvements;

The increasing business case for ecological buildings, which proves green construction means smart business and sensible practice;

Visionary companies interest in developing capabilities to excel in the construction and related industries and generate sustained profits;

Projected local and global growth which drives resource constraints and increasing building and operating costs;

Serious environmental concerns and the increasing societal and political will to mitigate these concerns;

The necessity to enhance the collaboration within and across industries, government and civil society to eliminate barriers and align the interests of stakeholders to ensure the rapid and comprehensive adoption of green building practices;

The important contribution that healthy, affordable and energy efficient homes have on the welfare and security of the nation for all income levels;

The productivity gains, innovation and other financial benefits that derive from excellent, sustainable design in office buildings and industrial facilities;

The attractiveness of environmentally responsible design in retail spaces increasingly desired by informed customers and its role in providing a high profile example for the public on sustainable business.

To promote market transformation and facilitate the implementation of the next generation of high-performing green constructions the Romania Green Building Council :

Facilitates the availability of the most up to date and highest quality training to create the necessary pool of national green building experts;

Supports the development of appropriate regulatory conditions that promote sustainable constructions while ensuring attractive returns on investment;

Develops and implements a national green building standards and certification system;

Supports the development of best in class in-country green construction and in an effort to position Romania as a sustainable construction leader in the region;

Builds an inclusive organization by facilitating the collaboration between all relevant players in order to eliminate systemic barriers and promote a truly sustainable built environment;

Promotes domestic, regional and international collaboration to share knowledge and encourage innovation;

Researches, compiles and disseminates best practices for the region and encourages their adoption and implementation.

Date contact

Adresa: Str. Ialomicioarei, nr. 21, Bucharest
Coordonate: Latitudine: , Longitudine:
Telefon: +40212220011



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